Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sorry for the lack of updates!

I'm still alive!!! But barely. I do apologize for the lack of updates....I have been super busy the last couple of weeks and I have been battling a flu-like cold and a bout of wheezing cough that won't go away. I've been sick of almost a week now and my cough will NOT go away. I can't wait to get better and be back to normal. I feel like like everyone in the office is looking at me and holding their breath because they don't want to catch whatever the heck it is I have. I'm like the plague around here. I feel bad for the cubicle mates :-( as it is that I have been sick, I am sad to report that I have not been to gym in almost two weeks. I have had no energy to go as I have been trying to spend all my time sleeping and trying to "sweat out" this virus/bacteria. On the plus side, I have been eating healthier still and because of a general loss of appetite, I think I may have lost weight! Yay? lol

I decided about two weeks ago that I am forgoing the Healthy Choice frozen dinners. I felt like I wasn't losing any weight and I needed to cut back on calories. My lunch time meal now consists of a large salad with a protein-either chicken or fish. And dinner is usually salmon with a side salad and small side of rice (I"m Asian...I can't just cut rice out completely). I'm proud of myself and the  cravings I used to get for fatty, greasy, fried foods have all gone away. I've been eating healthier for six weeks now and I've seen a huge increase in my energy level (aside from this past week due to being sick) and I don't feel so bloated or heavy after eating anymore.

I am joining LA Fitness next week. I can't wait to start taking fitness classes. I took a few with my good friend Noy as a guest and I really enjoyed the classes. I loved the Total Body Fitness and Steps class...the music and energy really motivated me and pushed me. It was a great workout and I can't wait to continue it.

Speaking of Noy...last Saturday was her bachelorette party and it was a lot of fun! I didn't get to take many pictures but I'll share the ones I did take. Looking forward to her wedding this weekend as well as spending time with my loved ones over the Labor Day weekend. Everyone have a great Labor Day and be safe!!!

Bride-to-be Noy and I

8-25-12 at the W hotel

Friday, August 10, 2012


It has been a week. I ruined my diet this weekend all thanks to this magical thing called pizza! lol So aside from the pizza, alcohol consumption and barbequed food....I have not lost any weight.

Total loss of .2lbs =(

I also took Monday off work so that threw me off track as well. But I got back on my normal diet on Tuesday and have been working out. I've been doing well during the day, eating wise...but as soon as I get home, I'm surrounded my temptation! Must. Resist. Mom's. Food.

 I tried Zumba at the gym last night for the first time. My thoughts on Zumba is that it wasn't as intense a workout as I had hoped it would be. I did about thirty minutes of it (would have left sooner if my cousin hadn't been there) then jumped on the treadmill for thirty minutes. Maybe it was just the instructor or whatnot, but there seemed to be so much booty poppin and booty shaking going on...which is fine if you are looking to tone up. But for me at this point, I'm looking for intense cardio so this wasn't the class for me. I would definitely try it again in the future though.

I will save my workout routine post for next week. In the meantime though, I'd like to share some pictures from over the weekend. Ciao!

BF's brother's gf came to town so we went dancing

I love this dress...wore it for my birthday three years ago and it was time to break it out again =)


Friday, August 3, 2012

Diet Plan

I love food. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very passionate for food and I am always on the hunt to discover new foods and new cuisine. But with each new food adventure I embark on, the pounds start to stack up again. My biggest struggle has been trying to balance my love for good food and maintaing my current weight. If I didnt gain a single pound ever again and I could still eat whatever I wanted, I would be the happiest girl alive! But, unfortunately, my metabolism isn't what it used to be anymore and I need to really watch what I eat.

I've decided that during the weekdays I will adhere to a strict diet, then on the weekends I can eat my favorite foods, in moderation. I know that it is unrealistic to say that I am going to completely cut out all my fave food. I've tried going that route before and it only works for three days top, then you start to feel deprive and revert back to your old ways. This way, I'm eating healthy for a good chunk of the week but I'm also not depriving myself and I can stay true to my foodie self =)

On my list of Weekday No-No Foods:
- All red meat
- Sodas and juices
- Pasta (unless whole grain)
- Mom's delicious fried chicken
- Rice (Going to be the hardest to give up)
- Chips, cookies, pastries

I am trying to eat more greens, chicken and fish (which I love anyway) and limit anything that is too processed. The exception being my Lean Cuisine/Smart Choice/Healthy Choice frozen meals which are going to be a staple of my weekly lunches. I don't have the time yet to prepare lunch for the week so this will have to do. I know frozen meals have a bad reputation for having too much sodium but for now I'm more worried about my calorie intake and this is a great way for me to track how many calories I'm eating. I've found that the portions are small but if I supplement it with a side salad of spinach and low fat Italian dressing, it fills me up. Even better, it doesn't make me feel bloated after lunch.

Dinner time is going to be hard and where my will power will be tested the most. My mom is a great cook and I love her food. In addition, my grandma loves to feed us kids-it's her way of showing us she loves us. When we don't eat I think she feels like we are rejecting her, so my family always eat when she cooks. I just need to find a way around this and let my mom and grandma know I'm on a diet so they don't pressure me to eat everything they do.

Lunch today

The weekend is almost here....! I can't wait! This is all for today...thank you (if anyone) for reading.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm Losing It

Hi! This is Macie...and I'm going to try this blogging thing one more time!

This blog is going to focus on my weight loss efforts. It's so discouraging looking back over the years and seeing my weight go up and down and up and up again. Every time I lose a little weight, I always somehow manage to gain it back plus more.

Here are my stats as of today:
Height- 5'0
Weight- 167.6 lbs (gulp)

According to my BMI, I am morbidly obese. I reset that BMI calculator eight times just to make sure it wasn't malfunctioning, but I got the same results each time. So, I suppose this is my cue to start crying. But I'm done feeling sorry for myself because feeling sorry does not help you lose weight at the end of the day.

My goals are to be healthy, have more energy, be able to run in a 5k race by January and if I lose some weight on the way, even better. My focus isn't just on losing weight...I truly want to live a healthier lifestyle and feel confident in the way my body looks. I know there are lots of hurdles I have to overcome internally but I have indentified them and I'm working on it.

My goal weight is 130lbs. For my height my weight is supposed to be in the 95-105lbs range, but holy hell, I'd be nothing but bones! Even at my skinniest in my teen days I was never under 110lbs so to shoot for that is unrealistic because my body just isn't built that way, nor do I desire being that size. So, this means that I have 38lbs to lose total. I hope to lose fifteen pounds by the end of this year...that gives me four months to lose fiteen pounds. I know I can do it and I hope that you all will join me in this journey to a better, healthier life.


Weight as of 8-1-12

July 2012