Friday, August 3, 2012

Diet Plan

I love food. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very passionate for food and I am always on the hunt to discover new foods and new cuisine. But with each new food adventure I embark on, the pounds start to stack up again. My biggest struggle has been trying to balance my love for good food and maintaing my current weight. If I didnt gain a single pound ever again and I could still eat whatever I wanted, I would be the happiest girl alive! But, unfortunately, my metabolism isn't what it used to be anymore and I need to really watch what I eat.

I've decided that during the weekdays I will adhere to a strict diet, then on the weekends I can eat my favorite foods, in moderation. I know that it is unrealistic to say that I am going to completely cut out all my fave food. I've tried going that route before and it only works for three days top, then you start to feel deprive and revert back to your old ways. This way, I'm eating healthy for a good chunk of the week but I'm also not depriving myself and I can stay true to my foodie self =)

On my list of Weekday No-No Foods:
- All red meat
- Sodas and juices
- Pasta (unless whole grain)
- Mom's delicious fried chicken
- Rice (Going to be the hardest to give up)
- Chips, cookies, pastries

I am trying to eat more greens, chicken and fish (which I love anyway) and limit anything that is too processed. The exception being my Lean Cuisine/Smart Choice/Healthy Choice frozen meals which are going to be a staple of my weekly lunches. I don't have the time yet to prepare lunch for the week so this will have to do. I know frozen meals have a bad reputation for having too much sodium but for now I'm more worried about my calorie intake and this is a great way for me to track how many calories I'm eating. I've found that the portions are small but if I supplement it with a side salad of spinach and low fat Italian dressing, it fills me up. Even better, it doesn't make me feel bloated after lunch.

Dinner time is going to be hard and where my will power will be tested the most. My mom is a great cook and I love her food. In addition, my grandma loves to feed us kids-it's her way of showing us she loves us. When we don't eat I think she feels like we are rejecting her, so my family always eat when she cooks. I just need to find a way around this and let my mom and grandma know I'm on a diet so they don't pressure me to eat everything they do.

Lunch today

The weekend is almost here....! I can't wait! This is all for today...thank you (if anyone) for reading.


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